
photo of Michael J. Cripps, Ph.D.
Professor of Rhetoric & Composition
Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities
Director of Composition
Marcil Hall 116
Matthew Anderson
Founder, Humanities and Medicine program (HuMed)
Marcil Hall 107
Catherine Frank
Professor of English
Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities
Marcil Hall 105
Headshot of Jesse Miller
Associate Teaching Professor of Writing and Communications
Writing Fellows Coordinator
Creative Writing Club Advisor
Marcil Hall 025
Sean Ramey
Associate Teaching Professor
Marcil Hall 111
Jennifer S. Tuttle
Dorothy M. Healy Professor of Literature and Health
Professor of English
Director, Maine Women Writers Collection
Co-founder, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Ludcke Chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2021-22
Marcil Hall 105