
The fine line between normal tactile perception, homeostasis and chronic pain

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Alfond Room 113
Biddeford Campus
Frank L. Rice, Ph.D.
Free and open to the public

Dr. Rice’s research and laboratory has evolved over the past 25 years into a de facto core facility for multi-molecular immunocytochemical processing, analysis and interpretation of the skin, its innervation and its vasculature in collaboration with a vast network of international co-investigators. This approach honed in studies of the immunochemical and morphological characterization of the normal innervation of the morphologically complex, but highly patterned rat and mouse whisker pads. The totality of this research has contributed to a unique, integrated knowledge base of skin structure and function. Developmental and comparative studies and the addition of more biomarkers continue to be a major emphasis of research in his laboratory.

Over the last 8 years, this growing expertise in immunocytochemical processing, analysis, and interpretation of complex tissue has generated interest from the pharmaceutical industry for translational application to the discovery, development and testing of potential therapeutics. This has led to consulting agreements and to research contracts for preclinical and clinical research on behalf of several pharmaceutical companies including Amgen, Johnson and Johnson, Novartis, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Endo. Based on growing pharmaceutical company demand for this expertise, together with his colleague – Dr. Phillip Albrecht – recently founded a for profit research company called Integrated Tissue Dynamics (Intidyn) in affiliation with their academic appointments at Albany Medical College. Through Albany Medical College and Intidyn, he is continuing his track record of collaborative research with academic and industry scientific teams.

Hosted by: Drs. Ling Cao and Edward Bilsky


Alfond Room 113
United States