
Pharmacological Targeting of Conventional Outflow to Control Ocular Hypertension

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Alfond Room 304
Biddeford Campus
W. Daniel Stamer, Ph.D.
Free and open to the public

W. Daniel Stamer, Ph.D. is a pharmacologist with a primary interest in understanding the etiology of glaucoma with respect to intraocular pressure regulation. He currently is a Professor of Ophthalmology, Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of Arizona and Associate Head for Vision Research and the Director of the Glaucoma Research Laboratory.

The goal of his laboratory is to investigate and understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate aqueous humor outflow such that novel targets can be identified and used for development of therapeutics to more effectively lower intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. In particular, Dr. Stamer is interested in the regulation of aqueous humor entry into the systemic circulation. Molecular, cellular and physiological models for conventional drainage are used to identify and validate novel drug targets. His laboratory is funded by three NIH grants and two contracts from industry.


Alfond Room 304
United States