
13th Annual Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Symposium

8:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Decary Hall
Biddeford Campus
Free and open to the public

The schedule for the 13th Annual Arts and Sciences Research and Scholarship Symposium

9:30—11:30 am             
Open House: Art Displays and Poster Presentations
Decary Upper Cafeteria

Welcome Address: Dean Hey
Decary Cafeteria Function Room 2

Noon- 12:20 pm             
Lunch Break
Refreshments available on the second floor of Decary Hall

12:20-3:00 pm               
Honors Thesis and Oral Presentations
Decary 202, 203, 205, 208, 210, 212

Find out all the details and access a complete schedule for presentations.


Decary Hall
United States