Marilyn Gugliucci gives regional presentations

Marilyn R. Gugliucci, Ph.D,. Director, Geriatrics Education and Research Department, was the invited keynote luncheon speaker for the Jewish Life Care Home in Manhattan, NY. Her address to the physician preceptors and health care educators that work with Mount Sinai medical students and New York University health professions students was on social construction of aging and teaching future health practitioners tools to move beyond societal limitations placed on older adults.

Dr. Gugliucci also provided a presentation at Seventy-Five State Street, Assisted Living Community in Portland, Maine on May 25, 2010. Residents and the community-at-large were invited, providing an audience of over 100 attendees. Dr Gugliucci's  presentation was entitled "AGE: Attitude, Gumption + Effort."  Dr. Gugliucci has the best time presenting to older adults and their adult children! There needs to be more conscious aging, even by those who are older, so it is one of Dr. G's favorite past times to challenge audiences in the hopes of shifting thoughts and feelings about aging.