Emily Bourret, Theresa Foster and Brandon Dionne partner with faculty members to receive American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Walmart Scholarships

Emily M. Bourret, Theresa J. Foster and Brandon Dionne are three of the 75 students who, along with their respective paired faculty members, have been selected to receive a 2012 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Walmart Scholarship.

The goal of this scholarship program is to strengthen the recipients' skills and commitment to careers in academic pharmacy through participation in programming activities at the 2012 AACP Annual Meeting and Seminar. The program provides a $1,000 travel scholarship to student/faculty pairs to attend the AACP Annual Meeting and AACP Teacher's Seminar in Kissimmee, Florida July 14-18.  

Bourret’s, Foster’s, and Dionne’s respective faculty partners are Kenneth “Mac” McCall, Pharm.D., BSPharm., Jean Woodward, Ph.D., R.Ph. and Matthew Lacroix, Pharm.D., BCPS.