Praphul Joshi Publishes Article in 'Journal of Strength and Conditioning'

Praphul Joshi, Ph.D, MPH., an assistant professor in the Graduate Programs in Public Health, has published an article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, a leading peer-reviewed journal in the field of physical activity/obesity prevention.  

Examining aspects of fitness that are critical in the implementation of effective interventions to combat the childhood obesity epidemic in the U.S.A., Joshi’s article analyzes the relationship between body mass index and fitness levels among school children from a sample of over 7,000 children in Louisiana.

The study participants underwent testing for body mass index (BMI) and Fitnessgram subtests, including the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (aerobic capacity), curl-ups, trunk lifts, push-ups (strength and endurance), and shoulder stretches (flexibility). Results indicated that the participants with healthy BMIs have the highest levels of physical fitness. The differences between the fitness levels of obese and healthy children were statistically significant. This study demonstrated a direct relationship between BMI status and fitness levels as measured by the Fitnessgram among study participants.

Joshi states that this finding is not exceedingly surprising, as common sense tells us that the heavier a person is, the less likely he or she is to be physically fit. However, this study is an important first step in understanding weight issues in children. This information can be used to develop data-driven interventions to assist children in becoming healthier and more physically fit.

Source: Joshi. P, Bryan C, Howat H. Relationship of Body Mass Index and Fitness Levels Among Schoolchildren. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: 26(4)/1006–1014, 2012