Anouar Majid interviewed by Morocco World News on Muslims' need for a cultural revolution
Morocco World News on Jan. 22nd published an interview with Anouar Majid, Ph.D., UNE vice president for global affairs, titled "Anouar Majid: Religion is the Cause of Muslims’ Backwardness and Morocco Needs a Cultural Revolution.”
In the interview Majid discussed his book A Call for Heresy and explained that Morocco is in dire need today of what he calls a "secular jihad" aimed at liberating the minds of the people from the handcuffs of religious belief. For the Arab nations to move forward, he said they must respect freedom of thought, conscience, and uphold the values of freedom and human rights. Read the interview in Arabic.
Majid is the author of five critically acclaimed books on Islam and the West, including Islam and America: Building a Future without Prejudice, and a novel, Si Yussef, which has been the focus of much scholarly and critical interest. He is the editor of the magazine TingisRedux.