Emily Horton works as health promotion coordinator for Healthy Androscoggin

Emily Horton, a student in the Master of Public Health program, has been working as health promotion coordinator for Healthy Androscoggin (one of the state’s Local Healthy Maine Partnerships) in Lewiston, Maine.

She works on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) Education Grant, providing nutrition education and cooking classes throughout Androscoggin County. “It’s important to remember” said Horton, “that it is possible to shop healthy while on a budget.”

The classes have been taught at public schools, community centers, child care centers, shelters, food pantries, and many more locations throughout the county. Horton notes that this “wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration of community partners. Slowly, and after lots of hard work, we are helping to change the way people eat, shop, and cook.”