Julie Longua Peterson presents at Eastern Psychological Association annual conference

Julie Longua Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology, recently gave a research talk at the annual conference for the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston.

Peterson's talk focused on using observational methodologies to examine narcissists' behavioral responses to romantic conflict.  Results of this research suggest that narcissists (vs. non-narcissists) were observed by independent coders as engaging in significantly more partner derogation (e.g., criticizing, name-calling, insulting) during a conflict interaction.  Post-conflict, narcissists reported less commitment to their relationships, while reporting their partners were more committed to their relationships.  

Results suggest narcissists self-protectively derogate relationship partners during and after conflict as a way to defend against relationship-threats.

This work is part of Peterson's main research line, which focuses on the how the self influences relationship regulation processes.