Local news reports on UNE's successful land swap agreement

News of the land swap agreement between UNE and the Maine Army National Guard was reported on by several news outlets recently including Bangor Daily NewsKeep Me CurrentMPBNPortland Press Herald and The Forecaster.

Each article described the details of the deal, explaining that UNE will receive the armory building on Stevens Avenue in Portland, while the Guard will receive acreage in Saco, allowing for the construction of a new “Readiness Center.”

The Portland Press Herald sought out an interview with Bill Bola, M.S., vice president of operations at UNE, who reported on the specific details of the Armory property as well as the land being acquired by the Guard.

Comments from President Danielle Ripich, Ph.D., about the mutual benefit of this deal, a “win-win, as she called it, were also included in the articles.