James Sulikowski provides expertise as diver recalls encounter with shark

University of New England Professor James Sulikowski, Ph.D., was interviewed by Maine NBC affiliates WCSH and WLBZ about an encounter a man from Perry, Maine had with a shark in 2010.
The man was diving in Eastport with a video camera when he encountered what he believed to be a porbeagle. The shark swam into the camera, creating a scary situation for the diver and a compelling video. Sulikowski explained that while it was a terrifying situation for a human to be in, it was not a necessarily an attack.
"While it may seem scary, what you're seeing in this video is not aggression,” Sulikowski said. “It's a shark investigating something shiny and unfamiliar in its environment, which is typical behavior for porbeagles, makos, blue sharks and the other species you might encounter in Maine waters."
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