UNE College of Pharmacy students and faculty present at APhA conference

Selected by a peer review process from a competitive applicant pool, students and faculty from the UNE College of Pharmacy were invited to present their research at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting. Held March 24-27, the event brought together the nation’s leading pharmacy professionals, clinicians, researchers and educators in San Francisco, California.
Jodi McCaffrey (COP, ’17), Sara Tyburski (COP, ’17) and Dan Mickool, R.Ph., M.S., Ed.D. candidate, director of continuing education in the College of Pharmacy and clinical instructor in Pharmacy Practice, presented “A three-year evaluation of collaborative care between pharmacy and medicine.” In their study, McCaffrey, Tyburski and Mickool completed an Ambulatory Care clinical rotation at the Family Medicine Institute in Augusta, Maine. This project included a research emphasis in patient outcomes in family medicine. The team then looked at the types of interventions made in a collaborative practice environment in which physicians and pharmacists work together.
“Jodi and Sara have been a vital part of the research team,” said Mickool. “They have helped to drive the recommendations and the actual patient teaching that results from the changes in therapy.”
To learn more about the University of New England’s College of Pharmacy, visit www.une.edu/pharmacy
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