Paintings by local artist Sandra Tardo-Long featured at UNE’s Biddeford Campus Center

 “Six on the Rocks” by Sandra Tardo-Long
“Six on the Rocks” by Sandra Tardo-Long

An exhibition of paintings by local artist Sandra Tardo-Long will be on display at the University of New England’s Biddeford Campus Center from July 2 to 29.

A Louisiana native, Tardo-Long received a master’s degree in fine arts from Louisiana State University. She moved to Maine in 1986. Her acrylic paintings and prints focus on the Maine landscape, portraits of animals, and other places and things of interest. “Patterns, textures and colors found in nature are of particular interest to me, especially in Maine rocks and boulders,” she shared. “My work is an emotional response to what I see and feel … My goal is to capture the essence of a particular place or thing in the hope that my viewers will discover something they have not noticed before.”

Tardo-Long is a former arts specialist in the Department of Education in Augusta and taught two summer sessions in art education at the University of Southern Maine in Gorham. Prior to moving to Maine, she served as an adjunct instructor of painting, drawing and design at Virginia Tech.

Now retired, Tardo-Long paints in her studio in Naples, Maine. Her work has been exhibited in many shows across the country and has been featured in juried shows, most recently in Louisiana and Maine. More of her work can be seen in Gallery 302 in Bridgton.

The exhibit is free and open to the public. UNE’s Campus Center is located at 11 Hills Beach Road, Biddeford, Maine. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, contact Diane Noble by email  or phone (207-284-6394).

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