UNE student Jesse Hall wins Department of Exercise and Sport Performance Preston Jordan Scholarship

Jesse Hall, a member of the Applied Exercise Science graduating class of 2019, was recently chosen to receive the Department of Exercise and Sport Performance Preston Jordan Scholarship for the 2018-19 academic year. The scholarship is sponsored by Doug Biggs, a retired UNE varsity women’s soccer coach and UNE Athlete Hall of Fame inductee, and Susan (Jordan Biggs).
Hall, a native of North Waterboro, Maine, was selected from the several applicants for his overall academic performance, his commitment to learning, and his interest in improving the lives of physically active individuals. He will be attending the Army-Baylor University in the fall as a commissioned officer of the United States Army to pursue a graduate degree in physical therapy.
Hall, who has been active in student government and served as a student trustee on UNE’s Board of Trustees for the 2017-18 academic year, expressed his appreciation to the Biggses. “I am deeply grateful for the dedication to UNE students that the Biggs family has shown with the Preston Jordan Scholarship,” he said. “I will pay it forward and strive to represent UNE and the scholarship honorably as an Army officer and a physical therapist.”