CEPH’s Pamela Bruno to participate in national SNAP-Ed steering committee

Pamela Bruno, M.P.H., senior research associate within the University of New England Center for Excellence in Public Health, has accepted an invitation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service’s (USDA FNS) Nutrition Education Branch to participate on a national steering committee of evaluation and public health experts to help envision an update of the “SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework and Interpretive Guide.”
The framework, which consists of 51 indicators, has been in the field for 10 years and has been an invaluable tool for FNS, SNAP-Ed agencies, and other partners working to address health, wellness, and nutrition security.
The two-year project to update the framework, federal fiscal years 2025-2027, is organized into three phases: Review and Assess, Discuss and Decide, and Dissemination and Support.
Over the course of the next two years, the 12-person steering committee will help set the vision for the update, working to identify strengths and limitations of the current framework, and supporting FNS in the development of criteria to assess indicators and metrics.
Committee membership includes representation from the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Heathy Eating Research, USDA leadership, and SNAP-Ed implementers and evaluators.
Bruno, who has co-authored several articles on the framework’s development and implementation, will represent the evaluation practitioner perspective on the steering committee. More information on the process to update the “SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework and Interpretive Guide” may be accessed on the USDA’s SNAP-Ed Connection website.
Maine SNAP-Ed, implemented by UNE through a contract with Maine’s Office for Family Independence, addresses nutrition security and wellness in low-resource settings across the state. The funding comes from the USDA and is granted to over 160 agencies throughout the nation. Implementing agencies include universities, nonprofits, state health and agriculture departments, and Tribal entities.