Debra Welkley, Ed.D.
Current research
Mentoring in online doctoral programs
Mentoring success for sociology majors
Selected publications
Welkley, D. L. (2020). Threads of support: Mentoring online doctoral students. The Chronicle of Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue 1, 2019 Mentoring Conference.
Welkley, D. L. & Torres, S., Jr. (Eds). (2018). Critical and Creative Thinking. Third Edition. San
Diego, CA: Cognella.
Welkley, D. L. & Torres, S. (2017, April). Evidence-based self assessment: A student-centered learning
tool. [Proceedings] National Social Science Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Torres, S., Welkley, D. L. & Kent, C. (2016). SafeZONE online: Creating and serving as safe spaces on
campus. National Social Sciences Association Journal, 44(2).
Guadalupe, K. L. & Welkley, D. L. (Eds). (2012). Diversity in family constellations: Implications for practice. Chicago, IL: Lyceum.
Welkley, D. L. (2005). White ethnics. In K. Guadalupe & D. Lum (Eds.), Multidimensional contextual
practice. Brooks Cole.
Other scholarly activity
Mentoring; Critical and Creative Thinking; Student Engagement; online learning (quality course design; active learning)
Research interests
Intersectionality (race, ethnicity, gender, age) and mentoring practices
Critical and creative thinking and student engagement