Selected publications
History Publications
The Coveted Westside: How the Black Homeowners' Rights Movement Shaped Modern Los Angeles. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2022.
Review of LaKisha Michelle Simmons, Crescent City Girls: The Lives of Young Black Women in Segregated New Orleans. H-Afro-Am, H-Net Reviews. June 2016.
“Setting the Record Straight: Almena Lomax, the Los Angeles Tribune, and a Lifelong Passion for Racial Justice and the Written Word,” Southern California Quarterly 98, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 59-105.
Contributed to the chapters, “World War II” and “The Affluent Society,” in The American Yawp: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook, edited by Joseph Locke and Ben Wright. First published in 2015.
Higher Education Publication
Ebenfield, Marc N., Lane W. Clarke, Anuja Doshi, Krysten Gorrivan, Gregory LaBonte, Christina Leclerc, Jennifer Mandel, and Glenn Stevenson. "Application of Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning Principles in a Blended Learning Environment." In Academic Voices: A Conversation on New Approaches to Teaching and Learning in the post-COVID World, edited by Upasana Gitanjali Singh, Chenicheri Sid Nair, Craig Blewett, and Timothy Shea, 185-96. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2022.
Other scholarly activity
Assessment Posters and Talks (individually given, unless collaborators noted)
Mamta Saxena, Carina Self, Mark Nicholas, Kim McKeage, and Jennifer Mandel, “Equity-Minded Assessment: Moving Your Institution from Theory to Practice,” New England Commission of Higher Education, Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 7, 2023.
Jennifer Mandel and Kelly Duarte, “Implementing Equity-Minded Assessment: One Institution’s Journey,” New England Educational Assessment Network, Fall Forum, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, November 3, 2023.
Poster, Trisha Mason, Jennifer Mandel, and Charlotte Allen, “Establishing an Assessment Process in WCHP Service Learning Using Equity-Minded Practices,” University of New England, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Faculty Symposium, Biddeford, Maine, May 16, 2023.
"Survey Data Takeaways on Students' Successes and Struggles in the COVID-19 Pandemic," New England College, Higher Education Assessment Conference, remote, May 11, 2021.
Poster, Jennifer Mandel and Kelly Duarte, "Supporting Student Learning amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Key Takeaways from the University of New England's Spring and Summer 2020 Student Surveys," New England Commission of Higher Education, Annual Meeting, remote, December 10, 2020.
History Talks (selected)
“A Look at Discriminatory Housing Practices that Segregated America’s Cities,” Rice Public Library, Kittery, Maine, August 10, 2023.
“‘Into the Teeth of Jim Crow’: Almena Lomax and her Crusade for Racial Integration and Black Power,” New England Historical Association, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut, October 24, 2015.
“‘To the Point of Absurdity’: The Failure to Integrate the Inglewood, California, Public Schools, 1960s-1970s,” Triangle African American History Colloquium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, February 28, 2014.
“Degnan Boulevard and the Origin of a Hub of Black Expression in Modern Los Angeles,” National Conference of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Toronto, Canada, October 5, 2013.
“A Campaign to Build ‘A Balanced Community’: Crenshaw Neighbors and its Effort toward Housing Integration in Los Angeles through the 1960s,” New England Historical Association, Worcester State University, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 16, 2011.
Chapter 3 of “Black Beverly Hills: Los Angeles’s Elite African American Neighborhoods, 1930s to 1970s,” Los Angeles History Research Group, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California, March 15, 2008.
“Black Beverly Hills: Los Angeles’s Elite African American Neighborhoods, 1930s to 1970s,” Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, California, October 27, 2007.
Funded grants
Emory University, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library Fellowship, 2014
Mount Washington College (formerly Hesser College), Faculty Development Fund, 2013
Henry E. Huntington Library, Haynes Foundation Fellowship, 2012 (awarded in 2011)
University of New Hampshire, Graduate School, Dissertation Fellowship, 2007-2008
University of New Hampshire, History Department, Fellowship in Modern American History, 2007-2008 (declined)
University of New Hampshire, Graduate School, Travel Grant, 2007, 2008
University of New Hampshire, Graduate School, Summer T.A. Fellowship, 2006, 2007
Henry E. Huntington Library, W. M. Keck Fellowship, 2006
Historical Society of Southern California/Haynes Research Grant, 2006
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Fishwick Travel Grant, 2006
University of New Hampshire, History Department, Gunst-Wilcox-Mennel Grant, 2005, 2007