Jerome Mullin

Jerome Mullin, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry
Ludcke Chair 2013


Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 205
Biddeford Campus



University of New Hampshire
LeMoyne College


Current research

Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of novel Group 14 metalloles, especially luminescence and aggregation-induced luminescence (AIE); preparation and characterization of luminescent rare earth (e.g., terbium, europium, dysprosium) heterobimetallic compounds (e.g., silver and gold dicyanides) and energy transfer characteristics of said compounds; determination of heavy metal distributions in regional marine and fresh-water sediments

Selected publications

Scalise, R.E.;* Caradonna, P.A.;* Tracy, H.J.; Mullin, J.L.; Keirstead, A.E. “1,1-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5-tetraphenylsilole as a Molecular Rotor Probe to Investigate the Microviscosity of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids,” Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2014, 24(2), 431-441.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Mullin, J.L.; Tracy, H.J. “Aggregation-induced Emission in Group 14 Metalloles (siloles, germoles, and stannoles): Spectroscopic Considerations, Substituent Effects, and Applications,” Chapter 2 in Aggregation-induced Emission: Fundamentals (A. Qin and B.Z. Tang, Ed.), Wiley, London, ISBN: 978-1-118-39430-4, 440 pages, October 2013. (Invited and peer-reviewed chapter)

Edwards, K.A.;* Fecteau, K.M.;* Hopkins, J.M.;* Benfaremo, N.; Ford, J.R.; Mullin, J.L.; Prudente, C.K.; Tracy, H.T. “The Synthesis and Unusual Luminescence Behavior of 1,1-Dimethyl-2,5-di(2-naphthyl)-3,4-diphenylsilole,” Journal of Luminescence, 2013, 134, 544-550.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Bozeman, T.C.;* Edwards, K.A.;* Fecteau, K.M.;* Verde Jr., M.G.;* Blanchard, A.;* Woodall, D.L.*;  Benefaremo, N.; Ford, J.R.; Mullin, J.L.; Prudente, C.K.; Tracy, H.J. “Tolyl-Substituted Siloles: Synthesis, Substituent Effects, and Aggregation-Induced Emission,” Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2011, 21(2), 316-326.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Mullin, J.L.; Dyer, J.;* Whalen, N.;* Randall, R.;* Dow, S.* “Trace Metal Distributions in Sediments from the Bering and Chukchi Seas,” in Results of the Fourth Joint US‑Russian Bering and Chukchi Seas Expedition (BERPAC‑93), Kohl, S.; Rice, C.; Grebmeier, J.; Chernyak, S.; Sauer, J., editors, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Washington, DC, 2011.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Mullin, J.L.; Tracy, H.J.; Ford, J.R.; Keenan, S.R.;* Fridman, F.* "Characteristics of Aggregation Induced Emission in 1,1-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl and 1,1,2,3,4,5-hexaphenyl Siloles and Germoles," Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2007, 17, 201-213. *This is an invited paper in a special issue of JIOPM in honor of Professor Ian Manners.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Lu, H.; Yson, R. L.; Ford, J. R.; Tracy, H. J.; Carrier, A. B.;* Keller, A.;* Mullin, J. L.; Poisson*, M. J.; Sawan, S.;* Patterson, H. H. "Tunable Energy Transfer from d10 Heterobimetallic Dicyanide(I) Donor Ions to Terbium(III) Acceptor Ions in Luminescent Tb[AgxAu1-x(CN)2]3 (x = 0 - 1)," Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, 443, 55-60.

* Undergraduate student co-author.

Tracy, H.T.; Mullin, J.L.; Klooster, W.T.; Martin, J.A.; Haug, J.; Wallace, S.; Rudloe, I.; Watts, K. "Enhanced Photoluminescence from Group 14 Metalloles in Aggregated and Solid Solutions," Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 2003-2011.

Fermann, J.;* Kakareka, J.; Klooster, W.; Mullin, J.L.; Quatrucci, J.*; Ricci, J.; Tracy, H.J.; Vining, W.; Wallace, S.* "Electrochemical and Photophysical Properties of a Series of Group 14 Metalloles,"  Inorganic Chemistry, 1999, 38, 2464 - 2472.

Mullin, J.L.; Dyer, J.L.; Whalen, N.; Randall, R.; Dow, S. "Heavy Metal Distributions in Sediments of the Bering and Chukchi Seas" (translated into Russian), in Dynamica Ecosystem Berigova i Chukotskogo Morey, Nauka, Moscow, 1999.

Mullin, J.L.; Marquardt, M.* "Spreadsheet-Controlled Potentiometric Analyses," J. Chem. Educ., 1995, 72, 400-401.

Mullin, J.L.; Eierman, R.J. "Extensive Student Use of Electronic Spreadsheets in Undergraduate Quantitative Analysis,"  J. Chem. Educ., 1990, 67, 878-881.

Other scholarly activity

Verde Jr., M. G; Bozeman, T.; Fecteau, K.; Woodall, D.L.; Orlando, A.E.; Tracy, H.J.; Ford, J.R.; Prudente, C.K.; Benfaremo, N.; Mullin, J.L. "Photophysical and electrochemical characterization of a series of tolyl-substituted siloles," Paper 845, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2010.

Invited plenary presentation

Mullin, Jerome L. “Aggregation-induced Emission in Aryl-substituted Siloles and Germoles: Some Do and Some Do Not,” Invited talk at the First International Symposium on Aggregation-induced Emission, Wuhan, China, May 17-20, 2013.

Research interests

Spectroscopic characterization of novel metalloles and their potential application in electro-optical devices (such as LEDs and chemical sensors); luminescence and energy transfer in rare earth-heterobimetallic compounds; applications of fluorescence and chemiluminescence in chemical analysis; determination of heavy metal distributions in the environment.

Research topics
