Joanne Cooper, Ph.D.
Joanne Cooper is a professor emeritus from the University of Hawaii, Manoa, where she taught for twenty-one years in the Department of Educational Administration. She served as head of the higher education program, as well as Chair of the Faculty Senate in 2001 and Associate Dean of the College in 2002. She is the recipient of the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award in 1994 and the University’s Mentoring Award in 2011 for her work with graduate students. She has also taught at Portland State University in Oregon for the past ten years. She is the author of numerous articles and books, with a focus on women and leadership, organizational change and reflective practices. Her most recent co-authored book is entitled Journal Keeping: How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight and Positive Change.
Selected publications
Kaopua, H. & Cooper, J. (2011). Toxic to the Heart: Barriers to Tenure and Leadership for Women Faculty of Color in Martin, J.L. (Ed.) Women as Leaders in Education, Santa Barbara, CA.: Praeger, Vol. 1, 107-130.
Cooper, J. & Mitsunaga, R. (2010). Faculty Perspectives on International Education: The Nested Realities of Faculty Collaborations, New Directions for Higher Education, No. 150, pp. 69-81, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Nakama, D. & Cooper, J. (2010). Reconceptualizing leadership and power: The collaborative experiences of women educational leaders, in Slater, J. & Ravid, R. (Eds). Collaboration in Education, New York: Routledge, 154-160.
Stevens, D. & Cooper, J. (2009). Journal Keeping: How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight and Positive Change. Sterling, VA.: Stylus Publishing, LLC.
Other scholarly activity
Editorial Board: Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 2005 - present
Editorial Board: American Educational Research Journal/SIA, 2005 - present
Invited plenary presentation
Cooper, J. & Mitsunaga, R. (2009). Faculty Perspectives on Education Across Borders: The Nested Realities of Faculty Collaborations at Individual, Course and Program Levels, a refereed paper presented to the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, Canada.
Cooper, J. & Stevens, D. (2008). Assessment of Classroom Journal Writing: Meeting the Goals of Reflective Judgment and Civic Engagement, a refereed paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Stevens, D. & Cooper, J. (2007). Journal Writing Strategies to Assess Professional Purposes and Priorities, a refereed paper presented to the annual meeting of the Professional and Organizational Development Association, Pittsburgh, PA.