• Demonstrate foundational knowledge in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing in application of concepts and theories. 
  • Demonstrate effective skills in written and oral communications using appropriate technologies.
  • Demonstrate an ability to integrate the concepts of the core areas of business.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the importance of the ethical requirements of business activities.
  • Demonstrate an ability to conduct methodological, secondary research into business issues, which may relate to general business or to a specific business function, which requires familiarity with a range of data, research sources, and appropriate methodologies.

Concentration Learning Outcomes


The management concentration covers the organizational, operational and sales aspects of management, as well as introduces non-profit management techniques.

Upon completing the concentration in management, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an ability to apply general Management know-how in practical business situations.
  • Develop an understanding of business that reflects the moral responsibility of management to all relevant stakeholders and the natural environment.
  • Understand the nature and dynamics of social behavior relating to organizational performance in order to develop strategies to become effective in organizations.

The marketing concentration focuses on developing strategic and tactical marketing skills, including those used in both digital media and global environments.

Upon completing the concentration in marketing, students will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of how marketing initiatives by business and not-for-profit organizations impact society and the economy.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the strategic and tactical use of the primary decision-making areas of marketing used by organizations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of traditional and digital channels of distribution.
  • Understand the uses of traditional and digital promotional methods.
  • Understand the strategic importance of global marketing and be able to develop tactics for an organization’s global marketing thrusts.

The economics concentration focuses on understanding the impact of the economy on individuals, society, and global business development.

Upon completing the concentration in economics, students will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of economic thought regarding the incentives.
  • Demonstrate the conditions under which the market allocates resources efficiently and under what conditions it fails to produce socially optimal outcomes.
  • Demonstrate the assumptions and limitations of the neoclassical school of thought reflected in both micro and macroeconomic models.
  • Understand the key concepts in macroeconomic analysis and be able to demonstrate how they are impacted by external events and policy using the Keynesian model.
  • Understand the factors that have determined productivity trends in the history of U.S. economic development with reference to theory and empirical data.
International Business

The international business concentration focuses on understanding the role that cultural differences, globalization, and worldwide trends play in the global marketplace. A semester abroad is required.

Upon completing the concentration in international business, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate detailed familiarity with the impact of the global economy on U.S. businesses and organizations, utilizing appropriate terminology and concepts.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of cultural differences in the conduct of business and/or daily life within major global markets during a study abroad experience.
  • Demonstrate global awareness through an understanding of international business concepts and trends and an ability to internationalize domestically developed business methods and practices.
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The social innovation and entrepreneurship concentration focuses on applying the concepts of sustainability to the creation of a new venture with triple bottom line responsibility and ecological value.

Upon completing the concentration in social entrepreneurship, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding and the application of the concepts of social entrepreneurship and distinguish social entrepreneurship from traditional economic entrepreneurship as well as from sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • Evaluate and articulate the rewards and risks of undertaking social entrepreneurship by measuring the economic, social, and environmental risks and rewards (triple bottom line) of a new venture and measuring and comparing the short-term economic risks and returns of the venture with the long-term expected benefits.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the ecological problems facing local and global communities as well as the ability to recognize business opportunities for entrepreneurs that arise as a result of the trend of identifying and resolving those ecological problems. Undertake this demonstration by applying those skills necessary to investigate and evaluate all the various aspects of the business and policy environment that have an impact on social entrepreneurship decisions, including an evaluation of corporate behavior in the context of environmental and social goals.
Health Sector Management

The Health Sector Management Concentration focuses on understanding how U.S. healthcare policy and systems impact business in the health sector.

Upon completing the concentration in Health Sector Management, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to integrate core general management skills with sophisticated understanding of the institutions of the US health care sector.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of U.S. health care economy and markets and those factors that significantly influence decision-making both at the policy level and at the level of the organization.
  3. Utilize the terminology and concepts of health sector systems such as governmental programs, managed care, and information management to recognize and explain the importance of cost, access, and quality to providers, payers, and vendors.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal systems and processes impacting healthcare, including governmental regulation, tort litigation and reform, non-discrimination and privacy legislation, and access/equity of care movements in both the federal and state governments.