
SemesterBill GeneratedDue Date
Spring 2025Early December 2024Early January 2025
Summer 2025April 2025May 2025
Fall 2024June 5, 2024August 1, 2024

Semester and Monthly Bills

You will receive a bill for mandatory charges for each semester in which you are enrolled.

  • The fall semester’s bill will be available electronically through your UNE Compass account, and payment arrangements must be in place by August 1.
  • The spring semester's will be available in early December through your UNE Compass account, and payment arrangements must be in place by the due date listed on your billing statement.

Any other charges, deposits, or fines you incur are billed monthly. You can access your most current billing information by following the billing options instructions under Methods of Payment.

Please keep in mind that with loans, lenders often deduct loan fees before monies are disbursed, which can impact the amount you need to borrow. You should calculate loan fees prior to finalizing loan requests. Please see Federal Loan Fees for more information.

For assistance completing Action Items related to starting the new year, please see our Undergraduate Semester Start-Up Guide (PDF).

Health Insurance

A health insurance charge will appear on your fall semester bill. If you provide proof of comparable insurance, you can waive this fee. You must visit University Health Insurance to enroll or waive health insurance. The waiver/enrollment session for the Academic Year is from June 26 through August 19. No action can be taken before or after that period. Please see our Health Insurance Video Tutorial for more information.

Outside Resources

You must notify Student Financial Services of all financial assistance you will receive from outside sources including but not limited to private scholarships, tuition waivers, and certain veteran’s educational benefits. To notify us complete the online Outside Scholarship Reporting Form

Federal regulations require we consider all forms of tuition assistance before your financial aid eligibility can be determined.

Payment Arrangements

The financial aid offered to you by UNE in the form of scholarships, grants, and direct loans counts toward your payment arrangements. Please visit Financing Your Education for detailed information on your options. As long as all disbursement requirements are met, your funds will pay out to your UNE account. Any outstanding balance may be paid using one or more of the following methods of payment. We urge students to have payment arrangements in place by each semester's bill due date to avoid additional charges.*

*$150 late fee and finance charges of 1% on the outstanding balance

Methods of Payment

UNE offers a variety of options to pay your bill.


Credit or debit card payments can be made using a Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card. Payments can also be made with an electronic check (ACH) or savings account.

No fee is added for online payments.

  • Sign in to UNE Compass
  • Select the “Student Payment Portal” card
  • Select the “Make Payment” link and enter amount
  • Click “Submit”

Authorized User Access

Students must add authorized users by accessing TouchNet, UNE’s payment center, before others can gain access to and use TouchNet. Once authorized users gain access they can make payments on the student’s behalf.

Authorized User Access to Touchnet

Tuition Payment Plan

The Tuition Payment Plan allows you to make manageable monthly payments using credit card, electronic check (ACH) or savings account. Enroll in the payment plan to manage the balance due after all other payment arrangements (i.e financial aid, private loans, outside scholarships, etc.) are taken into account. Be sure to enroll early — as soon as you receive your new bill — to maximize the number of monthly payments available ($25 enrollment fee each semester).

International Payments

The University of New England has partnered with TransferMate for international tuition payments. TransferMate is a streamlined and cost-effective payment solution for international students to make payments

Benefits of using international payments
  • Make payments in your local currency
  • Payments post automatically to your student account
  • 24-hour online payment tracking
  • 24-hour customer service support
  • Great exchange rates
How to make an international payment
  • Sign into UNE Compass
  • Select the “Student Payment Portal” card.
  • Select the “Make a Payment” tab and choose TransferMate from the dropdown down menu

Watch this short video for instructions

Contact TransferMate Customer Service

U.S. Mail

Checks sent by mail may take up to two weeks to receive and post to your account.

Include the student’s name and ID number on the memo line to ensure the payment is posted to the correct account.

Please make payment out to “The University of New England.”

Mail payment to:

University of New England
Attn: Student Financial Services
11 Hills Beach road
Biddeford, ME 04005


Loans will disburse ("pay out") to your student account by semester and date in accordance with the program in which you are enrolled. If the amount of money applied to your account exceeds your charges, you will receive a refund. Student refunds can only be issued after loans disburse to your account. We strongly recommend enrolling in Direct Deposit to expedite your refund.

Please allow 7–10 days after your disbursement date if you have enrolled in direct deposit, and allow 10–14 days if you are receiving a paper check (please ensure your mailing address is up to date in UNE Compass).

We strongly encourage you to use refunds for only college-related necessities. Many personal money management tools exist, and we encourage you to utilize them to learn about budgeting and debt (e.g., Mint, Budget Tracker, etc.). Please visit our Money Matters webpage for resources to help reduce your borrowing and learn how to make responsible financial decisions.

Direct Deposit Refunds

Note: To receive refunds via direct deposit, please follow the Student Direct Deposit Self-Service Guide (PDF). To receive payroll via direct deposit, please follow the Payroll Direct Deposit Self-Service Guide for Students (PDF).

Use of Federal Financial Aid for Non-Educational Expenses

If you have not “authorized” UNE to use your federal financial aid funding to pay non-educational expenses (i.e. health insurance, parking fines, late fees, etc.), you will receive a refund of these funds and will need to make arrangements to pay the balance. Please make a decision regarding "Title IV Funding" by following the instructions included on the Accept Award page.

Title IV Authorization

Title IV Authorization means that students must “authorize” the University to apply federal financial aid funding to non-educational charges on their bill. We’ll need you to make a decision on this and complete the requirement on UNE Compass.

Withdrawal and Refund Policies

The University’s Tuition Refund Policy will determine the percentage of tuition refunded based on the date of your withdrawal (please consult the "Undergraduate" section of the page). You may also be subject to financial aid calculations to determine aid eligibility, which can result in a balance owed.

It is very important to contact us before withdrawing to discuss the impact on your financial aid.

Students utilizing Military Tuition Assistance should contact Student Financial Services before withdrawing. For more information, please review the Department of Defense return policy.

Tuition Insurance

At UNE, we know your college education is an important investment. That’s why we partnered with GradGuard to offer tuition insurance protection to our students and families. Tuition insurance provides reimbursement when a student can’t complete an academic term for a covered reason.

Visit GradGuard’s UNE page for more information


How do I see my e-bill?

Your e-bill will be available in the “Student Payment Portal” card in UNE Compass.

What is in my e-bill?

Your e-bill includes direct charges. Your bill may include the tuition for your academic program, applicable fees, room charges, and board charges.

Indirect costs not charged in your bill include transportation, laptop computers, books, and other supplies.

When will my e-bill be available?

The e-bill schedule is as follows:

  • Summer Term: E-bill available in April
  • Fall Term: E-bill available in June
  • Spring Term: E-bill available in December

Why are there differences between my e-bill and the estimated cost of attendance?

Your e-bill may be inconsistent with the estimated cost of attendance based on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in, which on-campus housing you have been assigned to, course specific fees, University sponsored healthcare plans, and more.

The estimated total cost of attendance is the calculated cost of a full-time undergraduate student living in triple occupancy campus housing for both the fall and spring terms. University-sponsored healthcare is also automatically applied to the fall term e-bill.

When is my e-bill due?

The e-bill for the fall term is due by August 1.

Non-payment may result in a $150 late fee and a 1% interest charge being applied to your account.

How do I make a payment on my e-bill?

You can make a payment using credit card, electronic check, or savings account by going to UNE Compass and using the “Student Payment Portal” card to access the TouchNet payment center.

You can also mail a check to UNE. Include your student ID number and name on memo line. Checks must be payable to “The University of New England”. Payment can be sent to:

University of New England
Attn: Student Financial Services
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005

Can my family or others make payment on my e-bill?

Anyone making a payment to your e-bill will need to be documented as an Authorized User.

To add an Authorized User, go to UNE Compass and use the “Student Payment Portal” card to access the TouchNet payment center. See the “Add Authorized User” section of TouchNet and follow the provided instructions.

How do I enroll in or waive the University sponsored healthcare plan?

Students who are already covered by their own qualified healthcare plan may complete a Health Insurance Waiver. Students can file Enrollment or Waiver online. Changes to the University sponsored healthcare plan must be completed by August.

I was awarded an outside scholarship. Why is it not showing up on my account?

Why do I have a negative balance?

Your student account will show a negative balance if the amount of money applied to your account exceeds your charges. If this occurs, you may be eligible for a refund. Refunds will only be issued after your program’s designated add/drop period has ended and after the disbursement of your aid and loans.

How will I receive my refund?

We strongly recommend enrolling in direct deposit. This is the quickest method of receiving your refund. You can find instructions on the Student Direct Deposit Self-Service Guide (PDF).

Please allow 7–10 days after your disbursement date if you have enrolled in direct deposit, and allow 10–14 days if you are receiving a paper check.


Student Financial Services

For information about the financial aid and billing process contact Student Financial Services at or (207) 602-2342. Our office hours are Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

Additional Information

ATMs on Campus

M&T Banks ATM is located on the Biddeford Campus in the Campus Center (full service). A cash-only ATM is located in the Proctor Hall breezeway on the Portland Campus for the Health Sciences. If you bank with M&T Bank, ATM transactions are free.