A Holistic College Experience

With more than 40 active student organizations, the University of New England’s College of Osteopathic Medicine prides itself on providing a holistic out-of-classroom experience. Our co-curricular activities give you the opportunity to put what you are learning in the classroom into practice, while also providing you the space to heighten skills that produce more engaged community members, innovative practitioners, and — ultimately — more balanced individuals. 

Involvement, service, and community engagement is a part of our culture and as a COM student, you are always evolving and pursuing new opportunities to influence your community. Below are some examples of what we have to offer.

If you don’t see a student organization that aligns with your interests, it is easy to start your own. Email COMSA, and we will be happy to guide you through the process.

Student Affiliate Organizations List

American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists

The UNE COM Chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists is a medical specialty interest club for anyone interested in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive health, and/or sexual health. It provides lectures, clinics, fundraisers, and academic events to bolster medical education in OB/GYN topics that are otherwise not addressed in the standard didactic curriculum.

National Affiliation: ACOOG

American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians

The American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians Club promotes pediatric medical education by hosting lectures and organizing attendance at the AAP and ACOP National Conferences. Members engage with the local community by volunteering with the Biddeford school system, cooking meals at Ronald McDonald House, and getting involved with advocacy campaigns that keep children happy and healthy.

National Affiliation: ACOP

American College of Osteopathic Surgeons - Medical Student Section

The Medical Student Section of American College of Osteopathic Surgeons is for those interested in surgery or early exposure to techniques such as suturing. The club provides exposure to the field of surgery by sponsoring lectures, meetings, and workshops. The club builds interest in surgery as a specialty while showing how surgery fits into the overall patient care experience.

National Affiliation: Student Section of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS)

American Medical Women’s Association

The UNE COM Chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association supports and educates about the equity and advancement of women in medical professions. This group is open to all students interested in learning more about gender differences in terms of treatment and expectations at work, healthcare outcomes, and salary gaps. AMWA hosts a variety of speakers, networking events, and fundraisers to help make the world a better, healthier place for everyone.

National Affiliation: American Medical Women’s Association

This is not a group that is exclusive to women. AMWA has male members and they are very welcome in the group. We provide support for one another. We introduce medical students to female physicians in the hopes of forming an alliance/mentorship and sharing experiences. As a group, we look to laugh and learn together in the promotion of osteopathy and women’s health.

American Muslim Medical Student Association

The American Muslim Medical Student Association upholds the Osteopathic principle of promoting a holistic approach to health and medicine through holding cultural sensitivity workshops with fellow faith groups on campus to facilitate dialogue, awareness, and understanding. Additionally, the American Muslim Medical Student Association will combat the media narrative about Islam and educate those interested regarding the true teachings of our religion through interfaith discussions. The American Muslim Medical Student Association will also ensure the facilities and services can adequately accommodate religious obligations, such as having places for prayer and providing halal food on campus.

American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine

American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine raises awareness among future physicians regarding substance use disorders and addiction through collaborative events with other student organizations and hosting speakers from the field to share their experiences.

National Affiliation: American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (AOAAM)

American Osteopathic Colleges of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery - Student Chapter

The AOCOO-HNS aims to expose students to ophthalmology and otolaryngology and support students interested in pursuing these specialties through outreach, physician networking, education.

American Society of Anesthesiologists Student Affiliate Organization

It is the mission of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Student Affiliate Organization to promote and expand opportunities to enhance the learning of Anesthesia and Pain Management for the students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. We aim to host clinics and workshops with local Anesthesiologists to gain simulated experiences and expand the networks of UNE COM students.

Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association

The mission of the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) is to empower and support our community by fostering an environment that recognizes and respects Asian American culture. We aim to cultivate a strong group of medical professionals who are consistently motivated to advocate for Asian-American representation in the medical community and beyond.

Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons/Government Service Physicians

The UNE COM chapter of the Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons/Government Service Physicians caters to the needs of all Health Professions Scholarship Program students from all three military branches. Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons/Government Service Physicians connects members to the national organization and provides updates to requirements of military training, applications to military residency programs, and engagement opportunities surrounding Veteran's Day and community outreach for Maine veterans.

National Affiliation: AMOPS

Cardiology Student Organization

The mission of the Cardiology Student Organization is to provide a platform for students interested in Cardiology to enhance our understanding of the field of cardiology and its subspecialties. Offer educational experiences to develop clinical skills related to Cardiology Hear from current practitioners about the many paths available for students interested in this specialty (i.e. Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiothoracic surgery)

Christian Medical and Dental Association

Do you have to give up your mission in pursuit of your medical career? The Christian Medical Dental Association provides a place for students to talk about their Christian faith, share experiences, and hear first-hand stories from doctors and professionals to help clarify this question. The group is dedicated to figuring it out together.

National Affiliation: Christian Medical and Dental Association

Critical Care Student Interest Group

Critical Care Student Interest Group aims to increase student awareness of critical care medicine and provide full exposure to the interdisciplinary nature of the specialty by describing the specialty and the various pathways toward critical care.  We hope to better prepare students for critical care rotations through physician panels and guest speakers, grand rounds-style case reviews, and critical care events/activities. We will be providing opportunities for students interested in critical care medicine, including research, shadowing, and mentorships.

Dermatology Interest Group

The Dermatology Interest Group promotes interest in dermatology by exposing students to different subspecialties within the field through guest speakers, journal clubs, and hands-on experience such as melanoma screening workshops.

Global Health Student Organization

The Global Health Student Organization advocates for patients in global environments and educates the community about global health. They also provide lectures and training related to global health such as tropical medicine, infectious disease, cross-cultural awareness and diversity, and medical access in resource-limited settings.

Health Policy Interest Group

The Health Policy Interest Group provides opportunities for you to educate yourself on health policy issues in general, and advocate for a better health care system that works for all people.

National Affiliation: Physicians for a National Health Program

Integrative Medicine Interest Group

Integrative Medicine Interest Group promotes and supports student interest in modern and traditional healing modalities that augment the holistic practice of osteopathic medicine, and encourage students to regularly engage in activities that bolster their own health and wellbeing.

Jewish Medical Student Association

The Jewish Medical Student Association (JMSA) serves as a resource for Jewish medical students and other students interested in Judaism. JMSA promotes awareness and understanding of the Jewish community at COM and the Osteopathic profession through events such as Shabbat dinners, Passover Seders, and a Latke fundraiser.

Latino Medical Student Association

Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) unites and empowers medical students through service, mentorship, and education as it advocates for Latino health. LMSA hosts weekly class, leading members through the medical interview in Spanish. In addition to the medical interview content, the leaders of the club integrate cultural education on a variety of topics such as how to best bridge social and language barriers when serving the LatinX community.

National Affiliation: Latino Medical Student Association

Medical Simulation Student Organization

Medical Simulation Student Organization works to provide opportunities for students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine to practice their clinical assessment, diagnosing, and procedural skills through high-fidelity medical simulations.

Medical Student Pride Alliance

The Medical Student Pride Alliance (MSPA) promotes awareness and understanding of diversity, inclusivity, and the specific needs of LGBTQIA+ community members by fostering communication on LGBTQIA+ topics and working to infuse such topics into the UNE COM curriculum.

Medical Students for Choice

Medical Students for Choice is an advocacy and educational group dedicated to supporting tomorrow’s abortion providers and pro-choice physicians. The group upholds the belief that all people deserve sexual and reproductive health consistent with their own personal and cultural values and recognizes that people are the experts in their own bodies and make their own decisions regarding sexuality, health, and whether and when to have children. It supports future physicians who believe that abortion and contraception are vital aspects of medical care that should be embraced as standard practice. 

National Affiliation: Medical Students for Choice

Medicine in Motion

The mission of Medicine in Motion is to provide a variety of fun and welcoming fitness classes/events to UNE COM students in an effort to promote mental and physical health and wellness, build community, reduce stress and have fun.

Neurology and Psychiatry Student Interest Group

The Neurology and Psychiatry Student Interest Group represents a motivated group of students with diverse interests. Its focus is academic and centered on promoting research in each respective field. The club is also involved in our local community through events at Maine mental healthcare facility Sweetser and UNE’s brain fair.

New England Student Research Organization

The New England Student Research Organization promotes student research opportunities at UNE COM and affiliated institutions. The club introduces students to new and continued research opportunities, connects students with faculty and other possible research mentors, provides support in the application and grant writing process, and provides tips for successful applications.

Nutrition in Medicine Initiative

Nutrition in Medicine Initiative has a mission of promoting enhanced nutritional education to the student physicians of UNE COM and the local community. Through community and school-wide outreach and education, this club will promote a health from the perspective of nutrition. Through this, the organization aims to supplement our in-class nutrition education to better prepare students as future osteopathic physicians.

Oncology Interest Group

The Oncology Interest Group exposes OMSI and OMSII students to varied aspects of cancer care and research.  Members organize guest speakers covering a broad range of related topics in cancer, including clinical subspecialties, ethical challenges, developing cancer research, and exploring osteopathy’s role in oncology.

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Society (OSMS)

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Society promotes the fields of orthopedics and sports medicine through sporting events, speakers, journal clubs, and workshops such as suturing and casting events. It is affiliated with SAOASM as well as SAOAO.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Student Organization

The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Student Organization enhances COM students’ medical education, practice knowledge, leadership skills, and research opportunities in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Public Health Student Organization

The Public Health Student Organization inspires and engages others in the importance and urgency of public health issues as they apply to medicine. Members focus on concerns such as access to health information for people within the local community.

Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP)

SSP Kappa Chapter is UNE COM's nationally recognized honors and service fraternity. The SSP Kappa Chapter promotes the advancement of osteopathic medicine, supports UNE and local communities through service, improves scholastic standing among UNE COM classmates, and fosters community among fellow classmates, communities, and other SSP chapters across the nation.

National Affiliation: Sigma Sigma Phi

Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO)

SAAO fosters an understanding of osteopathic principles, theories, and practices while promoting an understanding of the historical and philosophical foundation on which osteopathic medicine is based.

National Affiliation: Student American Academy of Osteopathy

Student Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (SAACOFP)

Through lectures, collaboration with student organizations, and community events about aspects of family practice, the SAACOFP provides students with a better understanding of a career as an osteopathic family physician.

National Affiliation: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians 

Student Doctors for Health Equity

Student Doctors for Health Equity provides the opportunity for UNE COM students to promote progressive political reform at both the local and national level by encouraging political participation in the form of voter engagement, community outreach, and education through civil discussion with politicians, scientists, and physicians. In this way, Student Doctors for Health Equity provides a platform for students to advocate for themselves, their colleagues, communities, and future patients.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a representative body whose membership is comprised of members of the on-campus COM student body. In addition to the president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, and alumni representative of each class, 15 representatives are elected to a term that spans the academic year. Each member of the SGA serves on at least two of its standing committees. The SGA meets twice monthly and meetings are open to all who are interested in attending.

Student National Medical Association

Student National Medical Association (SNMA) supports current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious physicians.

SNMA chapters based at allopathic and osteopathic medical schools throughout the nation, and some colleges, implement our programs and activities locally. SNMA programs are designed to serve the health needs of underserved communities and communities of color. In addition, SNMA is dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school.

National Affiliation: Student National Medical Association

Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association

The Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association provides opportunities for students to explore the possibility of a career in internal medicine and its many subspecialties. Members host panels with Internal Medicine (IM) residents, general internists, and IM sub-specialists to provide insight into this pathway. Members get exposure to the latest developments in the field of IM by participating in research journal clubs and attending research conferences at both the local and national level.

National Affiliations: American College of Osteopathic Internists and American College of Physicians

Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)

SOMA is the student branch of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) dedicated to supporting unity within the profession, developing a professional network for students, and educating students about their future profession. SOMA members have the opportunity to participate in leadership training, school-sponsored ceremonies, and professional outreach activities.

National Affiliations: American Osteopathic Association and the Student Osteopathic Medical Association

Student Physicians for Social Responsibility

Student Physicians for Social Responsibility (SPSR) recognizes a physician’s inherent responsibility to serve others and encourages students to further their education through an exploration of disparities in healthcare, community health, and patient advocacy. SPSR also recognizes the reciprocal relationship between environment and health and aims to further understand how climate change, environmental injustice, cultural norms, social determinants of health, and individual environments might affect health. SPSR hosts discussions about how COM students might use their knowledge to further their clinical practice and promotes initiatives that might affect positive change within the local community and within healthcare at large.

National Affiliation: Physicians for Social Responsibility

Student Radiology Association

The Student Radiology Association offers hands-on skill development at workshops, insight into the field through events with current specialists, and promotes successful learning by sharing valuable resources and study materials. The goal of the club is to cultivate imaging and reading skills for both academic and clinical achievement while exploring the field of radiology.

UNE COM American Geriatrics Society and Gerontological Society of America Student Chapter

UNE COM American Geriatrics Society and Gerontological Society of America Student Chapter informs students about geriatric and palliative care/hospice medicine through educational seminars and career talks with local clinicians. Students make connections with local older adults through game nights, visits to skilled nursing facilities, and events.

National Affiliation: COM Student Chapter of AGS

UNE COM Chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians

The student chapter for the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians provides hands-on educational opportunities in all things emergency medicine including suturing, airway management, ultrasound, and more. The chapter also provides networking opportunities for students who are interested in the field of emergency medicine.

National Affiliation: American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians

University of New England's American Medical Association Chapter

University of New England's American Medical Association Chapter provides a representation of students' opinions and ideas in organized medicine on a political/national level. University of New England's American Medical Association Chapter also promotes osteopathic education programs that enhance the quality of health care in the community.

National Affiliations: American Medical Association and Maine Medical Association.

Wilderness Medicine Student Interest Group

Wilderness Medicine Student Interest Group strives to educate students on how wilderness medicine can be integrated into daily lives and future practices while also providing unique educational experiences directed towards techniques used in the backcountry. The club invites physicians who have experience practicing medicine in remote situations to come and talk to members about their careers, clinical scenarios and techniques, and 4th year rotations and fellowships in Wild Med.

National Affiliation: Wilderness Medicine Society

World Association for Disaster & Emergency Medicine

The World Association for Disaster & Emergency Medicine's (WADEM) focus is to learn about planning and preparing for disasters, as well as what to do in a disaster situation. Members have the opportunity to hear from physicians who have backgrounds in disaster medicine and EMS. The club welcomes members who are interested in any and all specialties and provides a number of educational, volunteer, and training opportunities.

National Affiliation: World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine